Friday, September 7, 2012

Thing Two! What I Think So Far

I actually enjoyed getting to create my blog!  I've never done one of these before, so this has been a new experience for me!  I chose the name of my blog for obvious reasons.  It is just my last name and 23 Things.  I didn't get too creative there, but that's okay!  I also chose to use my real name to post under.  I have no reason to hide my identity, so everyone can know who I am!  I didn't get very creative in these areas, but I am going to try and make up for it in others!

I didn't have a hard time making this blog at all!  My strategy is usually to press buttons until I get it to do what I want it to do, but this website is self explanatory for the most part.  I had a lot of fun picking out fonts and colors for my background!  I love getting to put things together like this, so this didn't feel much like school work, but more like something I was doing for fun!

The avatar frustrated me a little bit because I couldn't get it to look exactly how I wanted, but it's okay!  It reflects my personality as much as it possibly can.  I wish I had more clothing options, but I found something that was close to something I would wear.  I tried to make my avatar look as close to how I actually look as I could.  I want this whole blog to show who I am as much as possible, so I am making everything true to who I am.  Regardless, I had fun making myself into an avatar!


  1. I totally agree with you about wanting your blog to show a lot about yourself; I want mine to do the same thing and I think that everyone's individual blog will show a lot about their own personality because each person's is going to be completely different even though we are all doing the same assignment.

  2. I think seeing everyone's blogs is a great way to get to know one another in a way!

  3. I had a hard time with my avatar. I was wanting to choose blue eyes but they looked purple to me. I think it's funny when people will not choose options to look or reflect themselves. I always think "what you see is what you get".
