Monday, September 17, 2012

Thing Five! Where Education is Going

I had no idea how Web 2.0 worked, much less what it was.  After reading about it, I see Web 2.0 as education moving forward into the future.  We live in a world full of technology and tools that are at our disposal, so why not use them?  Web 2.0 is about utilizing these tools to make our classrooms a more effective place.  We also have to think about our students when we think about Web 2.0.  Most children today can work a computer like it's nobody's business.  Computers are also something that most children enjoy using, and they spend plenty of time in front of them.  Why not let them use something that they can have fun with, and teach them something along the way!  It is important for more teachers to become familiar with the tools included in Web 2.0 because this is definitely where education is going!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is definitely important for teachers to become familiar with those tools in Web 2.0. If teachers do not keep up with the growing technology they may end up far behind in learning new and advanced ways to incorporate that technology in the classroom. Children today know more about technology than adults because it is what they grew up with, therefore it is second nature to them. Teachers must keep up!
    Great Post!
