Friday, September 7, 2012

Thing One! Learning Habits

The 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning were very interesting to me! I think the easiest of these for me would be accepting responsibility for my own learning.  I believe that this is something that everyone needs to do.  Sitting around and waiting for someone else to come along and learn things for you is not an option.  When I do poorly on a test, I don't put the blame on anyone else but myself.  I obviously didn't do all that I could to learn that material.  The responsibility is mine, not anyone else's.

The hardest of the habits for me would have to be having confidence in myself.  I am very guilty of second guessing myself.  It doesn't matter how much I study, I always feel like I don't know enough, but I always end up knowing more than I think I do.  I need to learn to trust myself when it comes to what I know, instead of freaking out and thinking that I'm doing it wrong.

By playing with Web 2.0, I want to learn about the tools that I are available to me to use in the classroom.  I have never written a blog before, so this is a whole new experience for me!  It wasn't that hard, I just had to play around with things until I figured out how to do what I was trying to do. I think that this project will be very beneficial, as well as fun!  I am looking forward to doing more and learning more as I go along!


  1. Very cute blog! Just like you, I had to play around with the 2.0 tools and blogging to realize what I was doing. You made very good points on accepting responsibility and never second guessing oneself. Well done!

  2. Go with your gut and trust yourself, Emily.As you start to blog I think your confidence will become stronger, this journey and all the things we learn are armor for us to go out there and teach. Your blog is adorable and very teacher-like! You will be fine I am following your blog, I think good things are going to come from you.

  3. Very cute blog! :)I understand what you mean by second guessing yourself and not being confident. I can totally relate to that. I sometimes find myself doing the same thing. I agree with Sunny Peterson, I always find it easier to go with your gut feeling no matter what. Most of the time your gut is right. Very good so far!
